Monday, April 6, 2009

Why You Should Be Taking Iron Vitamins

Everyone requires iron, its an essential mineral. Well take a closer look at what iron does for us. Who is at risk of iron deficiency and who should be taking iron supplements. You also need to know how to get more iron in your diet.

How do iron vitamins effect our bodies? Well, it helps to produce hemoglobin and myoglobin, both of which help move and store oxygen in the blood and muscles. Its also responsible for producing energy, when our body doesnt have enough iron, we feel sluggish and tired.

Iron deficiency is high among young women especially, women lose iron during their menstrual cycle. Having a diet rich in iron is the best way for a woman to avoid iron deficiency. Also pregnant women require extra iron as well to help the baby grow healthy and strong, but also to keep the mother in good health. Try to keep different sources of iron in your diet.

What can you do to find out if you are deficient in iron? Well the only sure way to know is to go to your doctor and have them run some tests. Iron supplements can have side effects such as constipation and upset stomach, its best to be certain you are deficient first.

Do you need iron supplements? Unless your doctors instructs you to take them, dont.

If you dont have an iron deficiency, you do not need to take iron supplements. In fact taking unnecessary iron supplements can cause you serious harm. In addition to the minor side effects, more serious side effects can occur, this includes diabetes or even cancer. So if you dont need it, dont take it.

There are plenty of great ways to get iron in your diet without resorting to supplements. Many foods, such as beef, poultry and seafood are rich in heme iron, which absorbs the best in our bodies. Other foods, such as dried fruit, broccoli, spinach and red wine contain a less easily absorbed form of iron.

Also, if you combine iron rich foods with other vitamins, specifically vitamins A & C, can speed up iron absorbsion.

If you are thinking of learning more about Iron Vitamins check out this great Iron Vitamin article.